Saturday 3 January 2015

7 New Year's Resolutions To Be Rich This Year

It's that time of the year again - monthly planners and 2015 diaries are being bought and new plans are being made. Time to add value to our life, get rid of habits which don't benefit us and resolve to improve in all spheres of life. Yes, time to list down those New Year resolutions and more importantly commit to execute.
More often than not, the list begins with healthy eating habits, waking up early and exercising, reading often, eating out less and other such resolves to improve our overall health and lifestyle. Needless to say, our finances play an important part in contributing to a better lifestyle and a prosperous future. So while we are at it why not make some financial resolutions as well.
Here are seven New Year Resolutions which will definitely aid in achieving your financial goals in the long run.

New Year Resolution # 1 - Finance planning with a fresh perspective
Financial planning is generally taken up during the financial year end and clubbed with tax planning. Rather than making it a mundane task taken up to save taxes, resolve to plan with specific financial goals in mind. Investing for education, saving for marriage related expenses, securing your child's future financially, planning for retirement are some of the factors to be considered. Of course, these will change as per individual priorities and need to be aligned with their personal financial goals.

New Year Resolution # 2- Have a mind of your own, no more following the herd
Do you pick outfits based on what everyone else is buying at the mall or order what everyone else is eating for dinner that particular evening? Of course not! We choose what our money buys for us basis our research, thoughts and preferences. Then why not follow the same for investments! Invest as per your own research and not based on trends.

New Year Resolution # 3 - Invest in value
Quoting Warren Buffet here, "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." Resolve to make investment decisions basis value. It will be beneficial to study the various sectors, companies and the overall economy to evaluate the value of the business. Investing in value will be a wise decision in the long run.

New Year Resolution # 4 - Invest wherein expenses are low
Often ignored, are the expenses related to investments. Whether trading costs and fund house costs, these need to be taken into consideration when you decide to invest. Considering that most of these investments are long term, these expenses eat up a significant amount from your returns. This can be easily avoided by making a wise choice.

New Year Resolution # 5 - Manage risks related to investments
Take a stock of all your investments and the associated risks. This exercise will be an eye opener. Often investments are made over a period of time and we lose focus of the risks associated with independent investments. Evaluating the same is the first step. This will determine the further course of investments to be made throughout the year. Intelligent risk evaluation will save you from regretting later.

New Year Resolution # 6 - Discipline pays off
Put some thoughts together and set a process to execute your investment plan for the year. By that we mean, systematically carving out a specific amount at regular intervals and setting it aside for investments. This could translate into keeping a tab on expenses and planning accordingly so as to invest later. It is not as difficult as it sounds once a habit is formed.

New Year Resolution # 7 - You are never too cool for school
And by that, we mean continue being a learner. Resolve to read books on investment strategies, subscribe to financial magazines for updates and talk to the experts.
So this time around, resolve to manage your investments better, using the New Year Resolution tips. Systematic and planned investments pay well in the long run and distress your life to a large extent. And if you can do these things, it shall be a very prosperous and happy 2015 indeed.

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